Sunday, November 24, 2019

084 - Sequinox 019: Like A Virgo (Sailor Moon RPG)

Caiden's incommunicado and the girls are without a compass. So while they search all over Westbrook for him they also need to figure out what to do about his potential star-sickness and what that means for Sequinox

Twitter: @CKTcast

Talk about the show using the hashtag #CKTcast or #Sequinox!

Jake: @jj_mason
Josh: @JNics04
Shannon: @shannonmanor
Alan: @Alan_Sells
Cassidy: @CassidyStone1

Theme Song And Battle Music by Emily E Meo,
Ending Theme is Love Game by Laboum

Monday, November 11, 2019

083 - Sequinox 018: Some Strings Attached (Sailor Moon RPG)

Sequinox Arc Three premieres today! It's been a little over a week since the carnival and Yuki, Hannah, Chell, Caiden, and Sid are getting used to things being quiet. But in Westbrooke things don't stay queit for long and when mysterious Staries with no apparent star show up, the girls don't realize just how much trouble they're in

Twitter: @CKTcast

Talk about the show using the hashtag #CKTcast or #Sequinox!

Jake: @jj_mason
Josh: @JNics04
Shannon: @shannonmanor
Alan: @Alan_Sells
Cassidy: @CassidyStone1

Theme Song And Battle Music by Emily E Meo,